Friday, January 7, 2011


Okay after much procrastination and alienation of my blog I finally decided to update. My blog deserves to be treated better than this lol. I had a lot going on these past few weeks. It was winter break, I went home, worked, and dealt with a break-up. I really didn't feel motivated to write and almost gave up on my blog.  I hope you guys new years are going well so far. Mine started out a little rough but I nipped that in the bud real quick by removing the people and things that brought me nothing but negative energy. I'm all about positivity and happiness this year. That's all I want. I have so many things I want to accomplish this year but my main focus right now is school. I am getting ready to go into my last year of college and I am trying to finish out this last year strong. I'm just praying that I'll have enough financial aid to go back to school this spring. (Please pray for me). My schedule this semester is awesome. I have tuesday/thursday classes with one class on M/W/F. But once registration opens up, I'll be getting rid of that M/W/F class. That would be great because I'll be able to do an internship or work a second job during those days I am not in class. Well that's all for now. Just wanted to let you guys know that I'm doing well.

Anastasia Monet

1 comment:

  1. I'm all about positivity and happiness this year.<<<----meee too!
